write by 九天雁翎(JTianLing) --
GNU从名字开始幽默,GNU是GNU Not Unix的缩写。。。。-_-!
其主页上专门有一条GNU FUN:
其中最后的 Disclaim 如下:
Humor Submission Guidelines
Our policy for the humor page is that we will include something if all of these are true:
- It should be funny.
- It has no copyright problems.
- It is not libelous.
- It won't offend most ordinary hackers more than is reasonable in humor.
- The humor does not have to be computer-related.
大部分的文章以声明(claim)结尾,其便以放弃(disclaim)结尾,大部分公司都是是将源代码作为最高机密,GNU却提倡开源,于是别人需要保留自己的copyright,GNU copyleft......其实copyleft也是收到保护的-_-!
Funny C/C++ declarations!
auto accident; register voters; static electricity; struct by_lightning; void *where_prohibited; char broiled; short circuit; short changed; long johns; long dong_silver; /* Submitted by Juan Carlos Castro */ unsigned long letter; double entendre; double trouble; union organizer; union jack; float valve; short pants; union station; void check; unsigned check; struct dumb by[sizeof member]; union onion; /*submitted by srp*/ /*if GCC extensions are allowed -- Dave Gilbert */ long long ago; /* in a galaxy far far away */ /* Submitted by James Buchanan */ const ipated; case closed: double or_nothing; short sighted; void if_removed; /* warranty */ volatile buggy_code; unsigned anonymous; int erbreed; /* duelling banjos */ /* Borland's additional C keywords */: huge penis; interrupt ed; near sighted; far out; men() { goto pub; pub: return pissed; } women() { goto bathroom; bathroom: while (1) ; } class dismissed : public annoyance /* Submitted by Juan Carlos Castro */
The following was submitted by Pietro Gagliardi:
/* All this was done on August 17, 2007 by Pietro Gagliardi You are free to use this code in a citation or (if you have the guts) in your own program; just please mention me. */ typedef int number; class microsoft : public corporation, public enemy<(number) 1> { public: microsoft() { sanity = 200; bill_gates = drop_out(); ceo = bill_gates; while (sanity > 2) { sleep(2); sanity--; } steve_ballmer = new class doofus; } #define our int #define SUCCESS 1 our year_2006_goals() { delete bill_gates; ceo = steve_ballmer; sanity -= 200; return SUCCESS; } protected: int sanity; class doofus ceo, bill_gates, steve_ballmer; }; typedef int iq; const iq of_steve_ballmer = -4, of_steve_jobs = MENSA_MINIMUM - 1, of_linus_torvalds = MENSA_MINIMUM, of_bill_gates = UNDEFINED; /* Here are some that make use of the preprocessor and the Unix programming interface */ #include <sys/types.h> #define middle middle class businessMan { ino_t want_to_go_to_work; #if speeding_to_work_because_you_are_late off_t o_jail; #endif }; class mate { ino_t wannagotoskool; }; class woman { #define be private: be friend class of_girls; off_t o_the_mall() { for (;;) mall.go_to(rand()).shop(); } }; class clown { !friend class teacher; friend class mate; };
goto pub;
return pissed;
goto bathroom;
while (1) ;
write by 九天雁翎(JTianLing) --
Posted By 九天雁翎 at 九天雁翎的博客 on 2009年03月01日